AdaptedDesign's Park Reviews

Parks should be spaces where everyone can play and enjoy the outdoors safely. However, many parks are far from inclusive or accessible in the types of equipment they provide or the surfaces and obstacles they have that make accessing these spaces difficult. These park reviews look beyond the conventional playground elements and assess these features from the perspective of parent with a child with disabilities and whether or not the whole park (and not just the playground) would be a place universally accommodating of all users.

The following parks are presented in descending order based on their AdaptedDesign rating.

★★★★★ 5 star parks are more likely to accommodate all users because they go above and beyond the minimum requirements of an inclusive park. You will likely find extra accessible parking, restrooms with larger changing tables, a good amount of shade and covered areas nearby, an accessible playground surface and pathways, communication boards and/or alternate languages like braille or indigenous languages, an array of play equipment of different sizes and types, and a clear understanding of safety including elopement barriers and good sight lines for caregivers. 
★★★☆☆ 3 Star parks may include some inclusive features but there may be some accessible items that are lacking or incomplete. There may be limited accessible parking, no changing tables, a lot of solar exposure and little shade or covered areas, playground surface is likely to be accessible but there may be some concerns or discontinuity, no communication board, some or limited inclusive equipment options, and an elopement barrier may not be present. 
★☆☆☆☆ 1 Star parks are not recommended. These may not have any inclusive features or equipment and may be inaccessible for many users. There is likely engineered wood fiber playground surface, little to no accessible parking, no restrooms, no shade or covered area, poorly maintained pathways or non-paved surfaces like gravel or dirt, no inclusive equipment, and may have major safety concerns for users with disabilities or mobility issues. 

Use the search bar to search for certain locations or browse by rating below:  

★★★★★ ..... ★★★★☆ ..... ★★★☆☆ ..... ★★☆☆☆ ..... ★☆☆☆☆

Park Reviews - 5

Seattle: Pathways Park ★★★★★

Seattle: Pathways Park ★★★★★

This park has just reopened. It ticks all the boxes having multiple inclusive swing options, a wheelchair accessible merry go round, accessible pathways and play surfaces, and great sensory spaces,...

Seattle: Pathways Park ★★★★★

This park has just reopened. It ticks all the boxes having multiple inclusive swing options, a wheelchair accessible merry go round, accessible pathways and play surfaces, and great sensory spaces,...

Bellevue: Downtown Park ★★★★★

Bellevue: Downtown Park ★★★★★

Inspiration Playground is a large playground with lots of inclusive features including multiple inclusive swing options. At the entrance there is a braille map of the playground and there is braille...

Bellevue: Downtown Park ★★★★★

Inspiration Playground is a large playground with lots of inclusive features including multiple inclusive swing options. At the entrance there is a braille map of the playground and there is braille...