Adapting Tutorials

Let's switch-adapt
A Bubble Machine
This switch adapting tutorial uses a bubble machine purchased from Target. It requires only a few tools and supplies. This video tutorial is a condensed version from my Live Adapting Clinic.

Let's switch-adapt
A Garden Sprayer
Let's make gardening accessible! With this adapting tutorial you can modify this electric garden sprayer so that you can water plants or help clean outdoors.

Let's switch-adapt
A Bead Spinner
Accessible friendship bracelets? I'm in! This USB powered bead spinner can be modified to be operated with an accessible switch so that you can control the tumbling clay beads as they thread onto the needle making fun jewelry.

Let's switch-adapt
A Food Peeler
What better way to help with meal prep than to help peel some fruits and vegetables. With this tutorial you can learn how to switch-adapt this peeling device to control the rotation of the peeler, removing the outer skin of the food item.

Let's switch-adapt
A Dancing Cactus
This dancing cactus toy can easily be switch-adapted using this tutorial. I have taught many teachers, therapists, and families how to adapt this toy. Great for beginners and fun toy for everyone.

Let's switch-adapt
A Small Fan
Feeling a bit warm? Independently control your own thermal comfort by switch-adapting this small rechargable desk fan. The soldering area is a little small but it is a fundamentally straightforward adaptation.

Let's switch-adapt
Take Along Tunes
An AdaptedDesign favorite! This toy has great classical music and gently lights. This affordable device is also a great toy to learn how to switch adapt for someone who loves music.

Let's switch-adapt
Monkey Gears
This is a great tutorial for a beginner. This has been a very popular toy with lots of requests to adapt. You can learn how to adapt this one too using this tutorial.

Let's switch-adapt
An Egg Decorator
Not just for Easter. Egg decorating is fun all the time and you can make this egg decorator accessible using this tutorial!